
Submitted by Phyllis Slater.

Belton on U.S. 250 today was Denver in the Railroad days. Belton became a rest stop for the train, then later, bus passengers. Later there was a rest stop at the top of the hill towards Littleton. One of the most interesting events took place on April 23, 1933 with the dedication of a log church of the Church of God denomination. The church was founded by Rev. Harry P. Kipes who began its erection, and did most of the construction himself. The Rev. Kipes died before the building was finished, but the members finished it. Logs hewn from trees in the forests near Belton were used entirely in the church building. Even the church interior is finished with logs. The seats are wide boards made from the trees in the Belton area. The Rev. C. Scroggins, of Huntington was the speaker at both morning and evening services. The church is still standing.

Belton was a busy place in the railroad days, and the oil boom days; but there isn't much attraction there today...

From: Wheeling News-Register - April 23, 1933.