The hardest part of our research sometimes is figuring out just where our ancestors were, so we know where to look for records. In that period before 1831, just what county did they live in and where did they come from before that? Did they move, or did the county boundary move around them? These maps show the progression of growth of Virginia and West Virginia. I've combined some years when the county bounderies weren't close together. The approximate location of Ripley in Jackson County is marked with a blue X.

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Virginia in 1617, 10 years after the first settlement at Jamestowne

Virginia in 1634, 8 original shires

Virginia in 1656, after almost 50 years of settlement

Virginia in 1703, almost 100 years have passed

Virginia in 1738, Augusta & Frederick Counties are formed in what will become West Virginia

Virginia in 1753,Hampshire (Ham) formed from Frederick (Fre) County [shaded area]

Virginia in 1770, Botetourt (Bot) formed from Augusta (Au)

Virginia in 1772, Fincastle (Fi) from Botetourt, Dunmore (Du) and Berkeley (Ber) split from Frederick

Virginia in 1776, A Nation is born! Ohio (Oh) & Monongalia Mgl)formed. Kentucky County formed.

Virginia in 1778, Greenbrier (Grb) County is formed

Virginia in 1784, Harrison (Hsn) County is formed

Virginia in 1787, Hardy (Hdy) & Randolph (Ran) become counties

Virginia in 1788, Kanawha (Ka) County is formed from parts of Greenbrier and Montgomery

Virginia in 1792, 9 counties separate to form the state of Kentucky and a new shape emerges

Virginia in 1796, when the first pioneers settled in present day Jackson County, Brooke (Bro) County formed

Virginia in 1798, Wood (Wod) County is formed from part of Harrison County

Virginia in 1804, Mason (Mas) County is formed from part of Kanawha County, Jefferson (Je) from Berkeley (1801), Monroe (Mro) from Greenbrier (1799)

Virginia in 1809, Cabell (Cab) formed from Kanawha, Harrison gains from Ohio (1806)

Virginia in 1816, Lewis (Lew) County is formed from Harrison County, Tyler (Ty) from Ohio (1814)

Virginia in 1822, Nicholas (Ni) & Preston (Pr) (1818), Morgan (Mor) (1820), Pocahontas (Poc)(1821), Monroe loses some to Alleghany

Virginia in 1831, Jackson (Jac) & Fayette (Fay) formed, Logan formed (Log)(1824), Boundary changes 1820-1830: Nicholas gains from Kanawha & Lewis, Monroe to Giles, Preston from Randolph

Virginia in 1836, Braxton (Bra) formed, Marshall (Msl) formed (1835), Boundary changes: Preston from Randolph

Virginia in 1844,Taylor (Tay) formed, Barbour (Bar) & Ritchie (Rit) formed (1843), Marion (Mrn) & Wayne (Way)formed (1842)

Virginia in Census year 1850,Raleigh Ral) & Wyoming (Wyo) formed, Hancock (Hck), Putnam (Put) & Wirt (Wir)formed (1848). Boone (Boo) formed (1847)Doddridge (Do), Gilmer (Gmr) formed (1845) boundary changes 1840-1850: Mercer, Braxton, Preston [Wirt is formed from Jackson and Wood]

Virginia in 1856, Roane (Rne), Calhoun (Cal) & Tucker (Tu) formed, Taylor gains from Marion; Pleasants (Pl) & Upshur (Up) formed (1851)[Roane is formed from Kanawha, Jackson and Gilmer]

Virginia/West Virginia in 1863,West Virginia becomes a state!; Webster (Web) formed (1860); Clay (Cly) formed (1858)

Virginia/West Virginia in 1871, Summers (Su) formed; Lincoln (Li) formed (1867); Grant (Gra) & Mineral (Mnl)formed (1866) Boundary changes 1860-1870 Upshur, Wirt, Jackson (gain from Mason 1866); 1870-1880 Hampshire, Raleigh, Wayne, Tucker gain

Virginia/West Virginia in 1895,Mingo (Mno) formed, WV complete

Maps by AniMap, available courtesy of Goldbug.


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