These maps, published in 1877, are of the Ohio River and show the valley on either side, as well as the layout of the towns at that time.

All the maps include landowner names for the year 1877 in high quality PDF format. These are large files, 5-7mb, please be patient.

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Southern part of Wood County and northern part of Jackson County showing
Portland, Belleville, Hockingport, Murraysville, Reedville, Muses Bottom, Morgan Landing, Coleman and Roberts Landing, Shade River, Long Bottom, Lone Cedar, Cedar Point Landing, Pond Creek, Belleville Island, Randolph Ferry Landing, Harris Ferry, Hockingport, Hockhocking River, Leoritts Landing, Mustaha Island, New England, Newburry Island

Jackson County showing Antiquity, Plant, LeTart, Letartsville, Mt. Alto, Apple Grove, Ripley Landing, Goose Island, Willow Grove, Great Bend, Pleasantview, Ravenswood, Buffington Island

These maps are copied here with permission of and our thanks to Bob Moyer. The full series of maps, from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati is available on his website.


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Les Shockey and Betty Briggs, Co-Coordinators of the Jackson County WVGenWeb page.

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